Thursday, 22 May 2014

Juniper SRX web-management not loading or working (Security)

Today I was trying to do some work on one of our Juniper Firewalls and I tried and tried to access the web interface and no luck.
I could access the firewall over SSH but I wanted to visually check the configuration using HTTP.

I tried resetting logs
I tried removing old traceoptions
I did not want to reboot the firewall and I did not! Happy days

In the end what did the trick was easy option, to restart the web-management

admin@firewall> edit
admin@firewall# run restart web-management
Web management gatekeeper process started, pid 75995


And that is it!

If you come across this problem next time.

by Renato de Oliveira


  1. I had a similar issue with the web management page on a SRX240 firewall not loading. The odd thing was that it worked for ssh and http but not https.

    Restarting web-management did not work for me, instead I had to restart the httpd process which had hung.

    f01> show system processes extensive | match httpd
    58516 nobody 6 84 0 12212K 4584K ucondt 0 0:11 0.00% httpd
    83060 nobody 1 115 0 9012K 3724K select 0 0:02 0.00% httpd
    76996 root 1 76 0 12952K 5320K select 0 0:01 0.00% httpd-gk

    f01> start shell user root
    root@f01% kill -9 58516

    f01> show system processes extensive | match httpd
    83060 nobody 1 115 0 9012K 3724K select 0 0:02 0.00% httpd
    76996 root 1 76 0 12952K 5320K select 0 0:01 0.00% httpd-gk

    I only had to kill the first of the two httpd processes and it burst back into life.

  2. Thanks Renato de Oliveira, it was a quick resolution

  3. Thanks! Worked magic for me!

  4. Just Great, Thanks!

  5. great job. I appreciate your attitude to helping others.:-)

  6. Dear all Thank you for leaving a feedback, it is appreciated and makes me feel I want to carry on sharing the little I know. Thank you

  7. This helped!! Thank you!!

  8. not able to access in web gui for juniper srx40

  9. How to set a management ip on srx40
