BRASIL, Um pais bonito
Um pais feliz
UM Pais pacifico
Um pais com musicas lindas
Compositores maravilhosos
Com uma natureza belissima
Com um povo batalhador
Com um povo forte
um Povo com amor
Amor pela vida
Nao pela morte
Um povo em busca
De dias melhores
Um povo sem direcao
Com muitos pobres
Um povo que divide
o pouco que se tem
um povo que resiste
e que quer o bem
Bem que ta deminuindo
e aos poucos evaporando
Bem que todos procuram
Mas nao sabem que estao procurando
Um povo com feridas
Marcas de um passado recente
Passado que vai e volta
E se torna presente
Um Brasil de prais lindas
de um domingao de sol
Brasil de samba e fevo
Brasil da paixao por futebol
Um brasil de violencia
Que chora por PAZ
Um Brasil de favelas e morros
de Sophias e socorros
que ja nao aguentam mais
Brasil que acroda cedo
Rala duro, mas que dorme no ponto
Sonha com o futuro
Sonha com um conto
Conto que nos faca acordar
Desse pesadelo
Que esta a nos cercar
Brasil um pais bonito
Esta comecando a desbotar
as poucos descolorindo
e toda sua beleza a se dessipar
O cotidiano com violencia
as ruas cheias de lixo
rios e mares poluidos
mangues e floreas destruidos
a agua ta acabando
Como a espercanca tambem
e o povo bonito sofrendo
e todos policos a quem
Nao ligam pra ninguem
so querem tirar, usar e usufruir
onde esta o lado certo
e quem esta do lado errado?
ninguem quer o bem
do mau que se alastra
um mau que destroi aos poucos
e a esperanca devasta
o sorriso ta amarelando
Ja nem tem mais dentes
ta perdendo as forcas
pra acordar cedo e ralar no batente
Brasil onde vais parar?
O que aconteceu contigo?
porque perdeste a capacidade de amar?
porque everedaste por este caminho
Tao dificil de voltar?
Brasil, enquanto houver esperanca
Eu vou lutar
Quero te ver feliz
Quero voltar a amar
Quero andar pelas ruas
sem me preocupar
Quero cumprimentar as pessoas
sem me amedrontar
quero ver o verde voltar a brotar
quero ver os rios e mares
limpos, bonitos sem poluicao
onde eu possa botar meus pes
quero escutar um samba
Com toda sua energia e felicidade
dancar ate de madrugada
com muita gente e fazer amizade
Em recife dancar o frevo
em Olinda subir a ladeira
coqueiros balancando com tranquilidade
contemplando a lua e o sol
o nordeste tao bonito
O Pantanal tao selvagem
o Rio tao colorido
Sao Paulo com sua bagagem
MInas do Pao e do queijo
Decompositores lindos
Como Flavio, Beto e Lo
Chico cade suas letras critas?
Caetano cade suas letras inteligentes?
e hora de todos nos juntarmos
e macharmos a frente
na luta pela igualdade
na luta pela paz
na luta pra trazer de volta o Brasil bonito
que esta se destruindo cada vez, mais e mais
por Renato de Oliveira
I have been living in England for a long time. I've learnt many good things here, my wife is English, my children are english. This is where I have been living my adult life. I would like to share IT knowledge and experience. If you can benefit from this blog, I will be happy.
Saturday, 15 August 2015
Friday, 31 July 2015
I've seen the dark
I've seen the dark
I experienced a fall
Everything was black
Surrounded by walls
I've been Down
I've seen below
No smile, only frown
No where to go
It is Time to rise
Be strong again
Surface and go above
And set free from the pain
See the sunshine
Feel the sun on my skin
See the blue skies
and the beauty around me
I've seen the dark
Dark I've never seen before
I don't want to be in the dark
Not anymore
By Renato de Oliveira.
Recovering the Root Password for SRX Series Devices
Last week I also had to break a password and did not remember how. So I had to research into it.
1. Reboot or power off and back on the juniper SRX
2. When the boot operation finishes, just press <SPACE> bar few times to have access to the boostrap loader prompt.
loader>boot -s
3. loader> System watchdog timer disabled
4. Set the new root password
user@host# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
user@host# commit
How to Factory Resta Juniper Firewall SRX
There are a couple of ways of factoring reset a Juniper firewall.
a) Having physical access to the firewall itself and you will find a button at front of the firewall.
All you need to do is find a paper clip and press the paper clip through the small hole and hold it for about 30 seconds.
b) If you have access to the the command line and can go to edit mode, do as follows:
Set root password:
root@firewall# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
root@firewall# commit
a) Having physical access to the firewall itself and you will find a button at front of the firewall.
All you need to do is find a paper clip and press the paper clip through the small hole and hold it for about 30 seconds.
b) If you have access to the the command line and can go to edit mode, do as follows:
- root@firewall> edit
- root@firewall# load factory-default
Set root password:
root@firewall# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
root@firewall# commit
I am writing about this, because I had a firewall I started setting up few months ago and I had to reset it factory.
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Security: Some ideas on how to protect your network and systems
The goal post is always moving, the threats are always changing, but there are loads of things we can do to make it harder.
I am going direct to the point and make it short.
Some ideas on what to monitor
I am going direct to the point and make it short.
Some ideas on what to monitor
- Active directory object creation
- User creation, and change
- Group creation and change
- PC account creation and change
If you have not added, created, changed accounts chances are someone did it. If it was not created by IT, changes are, it was an attacker. If you are monitoring closely your AD, then you have a good chance of catching it before the accounts can be used to do any real damage.
- Data deletion and data growth
I think this one is pretty obvious, if a large chunk of data has just vanished, something is seriously wrong, right? If I see a volume let's say which had 1TB and all of a sudden, it gone down to 500GB, I would jump on it right away and start asking questions to all users, have you deleted this data, if no one raises their hand up, something somewhere needs to be investigated. There is a good chance you've been attacked. So monitor data deletion.
- Monitor Interface Band Width
- Monitor email Queue
The same principal applies. Knowing how many emails, hourly, daily, weekly and monthly will help you in the fight. Know what is normal condition for your system.
- Monitor web server hits
- Monitor user creation, deletion and modification for Linux servers
- Monitor file changes, especially config files servers and devices
- Scan and monitor for new hosts and devices
If you see a host you don't know or recognize, investigate it. Check its MAC address, its IP address, check who has such device. Never leave an unknown device without tracking it down!
- Monitor your Internet access
- Monitor Successful and unsuccessful login attempts
It is important to have a monitoring in place, but it is also very important to watch closely this system. And follow up in any alerts generated by the systems.
These are just some of the things you can monitor to help you in the fight against attackers, there are many more and it is one of your tasks to study your system really well and analyse the entry points, and put monitoring in place.
Hope this is useful to you and if you have some other ideas, please share with us and we would very much appreciate it.
Onde estao aquelas emocoes?
Onde estao aquelas emocoes
queria deixa-las a vista
onde eu pudesse ve-las
Elas que sempre se vao
quando eu mais preciso delas
quando me sinto vulneravel
quando estou mais exposto
Cade aquela alegria?
Onde esta aquela calma?
Por onde anda a tranquilidade
Que tanto precisa minha alma?
Pra onde foi a paz
que acalenta meu espirito
que me faz ter esperanca
que me faz ver tudo mais bonito
o ar ta cheio de conflitos
minha visao nublada
minha cabeca pesada
entregue a preocupacao
caminhando sozinho
emocoes turvas
sao estas mais fortes?
As que me pegam de supetao
Ou sou eu mais sensivel
a tal tipo (negativo) de emocao?
Parecem durar muito
e nunca quere ir embora
parecem querer habitar o meu mundo
sempre voltando de ultima hora
Onde estao as emocoes
Boas, que fazem sonhar
Que fazem acordar de manha
e com vontade respirar
As emocoes de quando se ve o sol
e sente aquecer a pele
quando se ve o ceu azul
um suspiro, e tudo fica leve
Onde estao essas emocoes
Que relaxam o corpo
que desnevoa a mente
Que deixa o corpo relaxado
e que apruma o passo
pra se caminhar em frente
SAo essas, emocoes?
Sera que elas existem?
Sera qua neo sao so ilusoes?
Onde estao essas emoces?
Por Renato de Oliveira
queria deixa-las a vista
onde eu pudesse ve-las
Elas que sempre se vao
quando eu mais preciso delas
quando me sinto vulneravel
quando estou mais exposto
Cade aquela alegria?
Onde esta aquela calma?
Por onde anda a tranquilidade
Que tanto precisa minha alma?
Pra onde foi a paz
que acalenta meu espirito
que me faz ter esperanca
que me faz ver tudo mais bonito
o ar ta cheio de conflitos
minha visao nublada
minha cabeca pesada
entregue a preocupacao
caminhando sozinho
emocoes turvas
sao estas mais fortes?
As que me pegam de supetao
Ou sou eu mais sensivel
a tal tipo (negativo) de emocao?
Parecem durar muito
e nunca quere ir embora
parecem querer habitar o meu mundo
sempre voltando de ultima hora
Onde estao as emocoes
Boas, que fazem sonhar
Que fazem acordar de manha
e com vontade respirar
As emocoes de quando se ve o sol
e sente aquecer a pele
quando se ve o ceu azul
um suspiro, e tudo fica leve
Onde estao essas emocoes
Que relaxam o corpo
que desnevoa a mente
Que deixa o corpo relaxado
e que apruma o passo
pra se caminhar em frente
SAo essas, emocoes?
Sera que elas existem?
Sera qua neo sao so ilusoes?
Onde estao essas emoces?
Por Renato de Oliveira
Sunday, 21 June 2015
How can you secure something without locking it?
First: Companies and users are complacent!
Second: They don't want to accept their responsibility!
Depending on what we want to secure and who we want to secure it from, there are ways, for example:
Let's make some simple easy to follow analogies.
We have a bunch of chickens and we want to protect them from Foxes.
Things to consider:
- Do we believe in foxes?
- Will they attack our chickens?
- What is the likelihood of our chickens being attacked?
- Is the garden open, without a fence or even with a natural fence?
If we don't believe in foxes, there is no chance we will believe or think our chickens will be attacked by foxes! So nothing will be done to protect the poor chickens.
Let's say we do believe in foxes, because we know they exist, we've heard on the news, but the way we operate or think is about probabilities. What are the chances of the chickens being attacked by foxes?
Take a chance or not?
Let's say we believe in foxes and half-hearted want to do something, to convince ourselves we did something.
Let's erect a fence, this should keep foxes out, really?!
- Know what you need to protect
- Protect from what
- How important is what we are trying to protect?
In the case scenario above, are foxes the only thing we have to worry about?
How about thieves?
How about diseases?
How about what predators?
Also Important is Acceptance!
- We do not know everything
- The scenarios change
- The danger changes
If we think a fence is good enough, let's explore this a bit.
We erected a fence, chickens are happily protected in the garden, foxes out, but for how long?
All it needs is:
- Gate left open
- Some panels in the fence start to rotten and break,
- Holes in the fence.....
Then you wake up the following day and one of your chickens gone, eaten by the beautiful fox? Maybe!
What needs to be done right away?
- Investigation, check the fence, check signs of feathers in the garden,
- Fix the fence, and now armed with the knowledge a fence is not enough
- Build a small house to keep the chickens over night. IMPORTANT!!!
- Put a lock on the gate
- Instruct everyone to keep the gate locked. Procedure!
I believe this shows to you the necessity of making sure you are watching what is going on with your chickens. Monitoring!
If we cannot find any evidence the chicken has been eaten by a fox, should we assume:
1. The chicken has gone voluntarily?
2. The chicken has been abducted by aliens?
This is what I expect to be done:
1. Inspect the whole fence, fix it it if need
2. Build a little house to protect the chickens over night
3. Put a lock on the gates and don't share with everyone
4. Assign someone to check the chickens frequently and count them
5. Put a system to watch the chickens day and night
6. Don't let anyone near the chickens if they have not been well trained
7.Having Systems in place is good, but a team has to be monitoring and watching, and they also need to know what to do in case of a breach happens.
Let's say someone is coming over the fence during the day, we have all these protections, but no one is actually paying attention. If you have someone watching and they see a criminal jumping over the fence, if they are not trained in what to do or how to do, again nothing will happen.
The minimum you can train them to is: If someone is trying to jump over the fence SCREAM LOUD!!!! THIEF!!! this might scare them off.
Let's say you have a diamond and you want to protect it.
There are some options and it is up to you to evaluate the pros and cons and chose the best for your environment.
1. You can put the diamond in a safe box in a bank
2. You can buy a safe and keep it at home
3. You can dig a hole and bury it
Would you leave your diamond on your desk overnight?
These are just some thought open for discussion, if you want to comment and pick it apart and or make suggestions, let's discuss it.
A Musica Me Toca
a musica me toca
ondas que reverberam
Pelo meu corpo adentro
Me tocam como instrumento
mexem nas cordas das emocoes
Harmonisa e afina
Toa e desentoa
Ondas, tanta energia
Que mexe e bole
Em tudo por dentro
Tocam pensamentos
Tocam sentimentos
Cada nota uma emocao diferente
tristezas, alegrias
lembrancas e saudade
raiva e melancolia
decepcao e felicidade
A musica me toca
como um instrumento musical
bole nas minhas cordas
me faz bem, me faz mal
Me joga pra cima
numa felicidade sem fim
a gravidade e mais forte
e a lei me faz cair
de repente me faz chorar
num suspiro m faz sorrir
num momento sonhar
vem pra mim me iludir
me faz fortalecer
me faz fraquejar
me da saudades nem sei do que
de tanta coisa, de tanto lugar
A musica me toca
As vezes bem as vezes mal
As vezes desafina
nao soa legal
Por Renato de OLiveira
ondas que reverberam
Pelo meu corpo adentro
Me tocam como instrumento
mexem nas cordas das emocoes
Harmonisa e afina
Toa e desentoa
Ondas, tanta energia
Que mexe e bole
Em tudo por dentro
Tocam pensamentos
Tocam sentimentos
Cada nota uma emocao diferente
tristezas, alegrias
lembrancas e saudade
raiva e melancolia
decepcao e felicidade
A musica me toca
como um instrumento musical
bole nas minhas cordas
me faz bem, me faz mal
Me joga pra cima
numa felicidade sem fim
a gravidade e mais forte
e a lei me faz cair
de repente me faz chorar
num suspiro m faz sorrir
num momento sonhar
vem pra mim me iludir
me faz fortalecer
me faz fraquejar
me da saudades nem sei do que
de tanta coisa, de tanto lugar
A musica me toca
As vezes bem as vezes mal
As vezes desafina
nao soa legal
Por Renato de OLiveira
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